Thursday, June 6, 2013

That's just not fair.

Ever had one of those days where you wake up, walk into the wall, stub your toe on the door, drop your tooth brush down the toilet and stumble out of the front door then realized you've locked your keys inside the house/flat?

Then punching the air or shaking your fists you ask the common question. why me?

In a very mild and comical way i wanted to use the example of a personal day to day annoyance to  illustrate something serious and relative to all people.

One of the old age questions often asked is what is the purpose of suffering? why are there so many people suffering? why does God not interfere?

Whether it is a really awful day or depression or illness or starvation and famine we are all familiar with suffering happening around us or in our own homes.

So Whats the point of it all?

Kenneth H. Beesley tries to categorize the possible reasons in six points

1. Suffering caused by God
  There is evidence that God sometimes intervenes in the events of this world. The scriptures suggest that suffering may sometimes be a form of loving chastisement from the Lord.  but not all suffering is caused by unrighteousness. 

2. Suffering caused by our own actions
 Human error, and the violation of civil, natural, or eternal laws may frequently cause us pain.  Through rationalization, projection, or selective inattention, we so often excuse ourselves, blaming our self-induced problem on someone else. 

3. Suffering caused by others
 Less dramatic but very real suffering can be caused by an unkind word, a slight or discourtesy. A person can be hurt by an unfair or dishonest business transaction.

4. Unintentionally produced suffering
Sometimes a person may bring suffering on himself or others unintentionally. Insensitivity to the feeling of others or misunderstanding of another’s motives often is to blame. 

5. Suffering caused by an act of nature 
 Floods, earthquakes, violent storms, or other cataclysmic occurrences in nature frequently destroy property, cause injuries, or take lives. While God has at times calmed the storms, the forces of nature are, for the most part, allowed to function unhindered. 

6. Suffering caused by a mechanical failure or malfunction that causes an accident.
 Why? Did God cause it? Was it a punishment for past sins? I think not. Danger is simply inherent in this life. Still, although God seldom causes suffering, he does allow it.

God gave us all the gift of free agency, to make choices for our self without him interfering he allows things to happen and for us to go through things so that we may learn and grow from the and by using the power of Christ Atonement it allows us to change and become something more.

It is tough to accept that there is suffering and like the power puff girls that i used to watch when i was little i want to save the world and take away all the suffering just like Miss world would say.
I sometimes find myself surrounded with people i care about suffering and wanting to help them so much and to fix there problems. I weep for them sometimes not knowing what i can possibly to do help them  when i am away from them. whilst studying the Scriptures i came across a verse in  the Bible which says
<----- James 5:16

 I know that God answers even the seemingly insignificant prayer because he love us. He might not always give us what we want and when we want it but our prayer are important and effective. This has brought me a lot of comfort knowing that i cant solve every problem and take away all suffering but along with the little things that i can do, I can pray.
Something that personally keeps me going is reading Joseph B Wirthlin's talk "come what may and Love it." Especially the advice to learn how to laugh in stressful situations! 

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